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Résultats de votre recherche: "guild"

  • 04:01 Populaire 5 důvodů proč hrát Guild Wars 2

    5 důvodů proč hrát Guild Wars 2

    par pinkman Ajoutées 699 Vues / 0 Likes

    Ahoj všichni, já jsem Spronx a v tomhle videu bych vám rád zdělil můj názor, proč hrát Guild Wars 2. Zároveň se snad dozvíte, proč je GW 2 lepší než WoW. Snad to někoho z vás přesvědčí, nebo utvrdí v tom, koupit si Guild Wars 2. Pokud by se vám video líbi

  • 01:15 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Seeds of Truth Trailer

    Guild Wars 2 Seeds of Truth Trailer

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,014 Vues / 0 Likes

    The story of the second season of The Living World continues, as players will have to catch Caithe, who stole a dragon egg.

  • 08:30 Populaire Guild Wars 2: Worlds Fastest Level 80 (Under Two Minutes 1:22.7)

    Guild Wars 2: Worlds Fastest Level 80 (Under Two Minutes 1:22.7)

    par pinkman Ajoutées 626 Vues / 0 Likes

    Tired of leveling? Here's how to get to level 80 in under two if you don't count all the time it takes to get the tomes you'll be better off leveling, trust me. Official time is 1 starting from the first scroll usage ending at the last tome. FAQ: There ar

  • 07:07 Populaire Guild Wars 2 - BEST Gold Guide - Farming Fast Easy Gold

    Guild Wars 2 - BEST Gold Guide - Farming Fast Easy Gold

    par pinkman Ajoutées 738 Vues / 0 Likes

    **With Mega servers in place the best website to find what events are taking place now is: Guild Wars 2 (Gw2) Fast Easy Gold, BEST Gold Guide! Tips on How To Make Farming Gold Quick! Farming Gold Tutorial and Tier 6 Mats for Legendary Weapons and Ascended

  • 16:39 Populaire Guild Wars 2 - Warrior Outnumbered PvP 1v8

    Guild Wars 2 - Warrior Outnumbered PvP 1v8

    par pinkman Ajoutées 765 Vues / 0 Likes

    Guild Wars 2 (Gw2) Warrior Outnumbered PvP Gameplay 1v8! Ultimate Warrior Build featured! Commentary involved (no WvW or Montage)! Build: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact and follow me: Twitter: Fa

  • 34:41 Populaire Le Guide : Bien débuter sur Guild Wars 2 - Episode 1 : Les bases

    Le Guide : Bien débuter sur Guild Wars 2 - Episode 1 : Les bases

    par pinkman Ajoutées 982 Vues / 0 Likes

    Nouveau sur Guild Wars 2 ou tu veux en savoir plus ? Ce guide est fait pour toi ! Un guide sur le magnifique mmorpg Guild Wars 2 pour vous présentez par SokyZ. Dans cette épisode je vous propose de découvrir les bases de ce jeu. Liens des partenaires au G

  • 34:32 Populaire Český GamePlay | Guild Wars 2 | První Dojem | Pár Prvních Úkolů | High Definition - 720p

    Český GamePlay | Guild Wars 2 | První Dojem | Pár Prvních Úkolů | High Definition - 720p

    par pinkman Ajoutées 865 Vues / 0 Likes

    Jestli se vám toto video líbilo, nezapomeňte ho olajkovat a okomentovat ;) Vítejte po dlouhé době u nového videa. Dneska se podíváme na nové MMORPG Guild Wars 2. Bude to první dojem, to znamená, že o téhle hře nic nevím a je to jakoby pohled z prvních oka

  • 10:15 Populaire Guild Wars 2 - 10 powodów, dla których warto zagrać (recenzja) | ZagrajnikTV

    Guild Wars 2 - 10 powodów, dla których warto zagrać (recenzja) | ZagrajnikTV

    par pinkman Ajoutées 533 Vues / 0 Likes

    SUBSKRYBUJ - POLUB na Fejsie- ODWIEDŹ stronę - ZAJRZYJ również tutaj- *** Przedstawiam dziesięć powodów dla których - moim zdaniem - warto zagrać w Guild Wars 2. ...Już wiem, że pominąłem absolutnie doskonałe jumping puzzle, ale poświęcę im wkrótce osobny

  • 27:29 Populaire Let's Play Guild Wars 2 - EP1, In the First Game

    Let's Play Guild Wars 2 - EP1, In the First Game

    par pinkman Ajoutées 697 Vues / 0 Likes

    In full 1080p, so yay for that! Hopefully this is the start of something really good. I have a lot of crazy things that will be happening for the series, will be fun to see how those twists and turns pan out. In any case, basic stuff for the intro as we s

  • 13:17 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs - Guide for Returning Players - PvP Edition

    Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs - Guide for Returning Players - PvP Edition

    par pinkman Ajoutées 564 Vues / 0 Likes

    Welcome back to another Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs video. This series helps returning players get back up to speed on what they've missed in the game. This video covers the major changes to structured PvP from the launch of the game through the September 201

  • 24:11 Populaire Guild Wars 2: FASTEST Key Farming Guide [Up-to-date]

    Guild Wars 2: FASTEST Key Farming Guide [Up-to-date]

    par pinkman Ajoutées 684 Vues / 0 Likes

    An explanation on how to key farm after the changes that were made in the September 2014 feature pack. I cover the new gear and options you now have, plus more. A full run can be found in the links below! Complete Key farm start to finish: Reddit thread f

  • 17:50 Populaire Why Is Guild Wars 2 So Casual? - QandA EP38

    Why Is Guild Wars 2 So Casual? - QandA EP38

    par pinkman Ajoutées 640 Vues / 0 Likes

    Today we're talking about the festivals returning, lions arch, the casual nature of the game, a bit more on raiding and more! Enjoy!

  • 32:45 Populaire Guild Wars 2 - Skill Bar: September 2014 Feature Pack Balance changes

    Guild Wars 2 - Skill Bar: September 2014 Feature Pack Balance changes

    par pinkman Ajoutées 540 Vues / 0 Likes

    This video compiles the 4 Skill Bar segments show in previous Ready Up episodes 17 to 21. Karl McLain previews the upcoming changes to the 8 GW2 professions that will be released in the September 2014 Feature Pack on 9/9. For an overview of the changes, p

  • 14:17 Populaire Guild Wars 2 High Level Elementalist Gameplay

    Guild Wars 2 High Level Elementalist Gameplay

    par pinkman Ajoutées 697 Vues / 0 Likes

    Mostly rambling about dungeon rewards and showing off our fastest two-man AC path 1 clear here! Do you guys think we need new dungeons or improvements to existing ones?

  • 15:41 Populaire Guild Wars 2: What Happened?

    Guild Wars 2: What Happened?

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,146 Vues / 0 Likes

    What exactly happened to Guild Wars 2? After a blistering launch the game totally fell off my radar after the first month. I look back at some of the reasons why I stopped playing. ● Donate ● PREMIUM ● Web ● Twitch Channel ● Twitter ● Facebook ● Steam

  • 17:28 Populaire Shin's Top 10 Tips for New Guild Wars 2 Players

    Shin's Top 10 Tips for New Guild Wars 2 Players

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,006 Vues / 0 Likes

    These are my personal top 10 tips for new players of Guild Wars 2. All music was drawn from the Guild Wars 2 OST. Interested in the game? Pick up your copy of GW2 at Every purchase through that link directly supports the channel! Timestamps (thanks to Cho

  • 31:29 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Angry Review

    Guild Wars 2 Angry Review

    par pinkman Ajoutées 805 Vues / 0 Likes

    Visit my Website to Rate Guild Wars 2, 1-10!

  • 31:56 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Gameplay - First Look HD

    Guild Wars 2 Gameplay - First Look HD

    par pinkman Ajoutées 763 Vues / 0 Likes

    for Guild Wars 2 reviews, videos, screenshots and more. Guild Wars 2 is a sequel to the original Guild Wars published by Arenanet. MMOHuts has over 200 free to play MMOs & MMORPGs for you to browse through! Visit us at: Make sure to register and post on t

  • 07:02 Populaire Guild Wars 2: My Excitement Is Back

    Guild Wars 2: My Excitement Is Back

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,105 Vues / 0 Likes

    Subscribe! It's free!

  • 07:38 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Review - IGN Review

    Guild Wars 2 Review - IGN Review

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,025 Vues / 0 Likes

    Watch us play Guild Wars 2 in Command Prompt: Our verdict on ArenaNet's ambitious, beautiful fantasy MMO. Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: TAGS: "guild wars 2" "guild wars 2 review" "guild wars 2 gameplay" mmorpg arenan

  • 06:54 Populaire Guild Wars 2. Видеообзор

    Guild Wars 2. Видеообзор

    par pinkman Ajoutées 940 Vues / 0 Likes

    Видеообзор Guild Wars 2 от Текстовая версия:

  • 11:36 Populaire Massively does Geek Week: Guild Wars 2's top 10 most epic encounters

    Massively does Geek Week: Guild Wars 2's top 10 most epic encounters

    par pinkman Ajoutées 920 Vues / 0 Likes

    Massively's top 10 list of the most epic encounters in Guild Wars 2 based on location, animations, and sound design.

  • 15:05 Populaire Guild Wars 2: November 2014 Easy Gold Trick #1

    Guild Wars 2: November 2014 Easy Gold Trick #1

    par pinkman Ajoutées 832 Vues / 0 Likes

    Here's a quick and easy way to make some free gold with little effort involving salvaging and crafting materials. For the link to the wiki which I mention and show in the video, see the link below: If you haven't checked out my review for this game yet, s

  • 32:44 Populaire Guild Wars 2: Tips & Suggestions for New Players

    Guild Wars 2: Tips & Suggestions for New Players

    par pinkman Ajoutées 813 Vues / 0 Likes

    Starting any MMO is always a daunting task. In this video, I provide some insight into things you might not know about the game when you start, and make suggestions to enhance your gameplay experience. Because of some technical silliness on my part, I had

  • 12:36 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs - Guide for Returning Players - Episode 4

    Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs - Guide for Returning Players - Episode 4

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,207 Vues / 0 Likes

    Welcome back to another Guild Wars 2 Boomerangs video. This series helps returning players get back up to speed on what they've missed in the game. This video covers the major changes from September 2013 through April 2014 feature pack. If you enjoyed thi

  • 04:46 Populaire Guild Wars 2: Thoughts On The New Leveling Experience

    Guild Wars 2: Thoughts On The New Leveling Experience

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,123 Vues / 0 Likes

    A mistake here the vistas are not locked, you just cant see them on the map. Also the wardrobe is there at level one so disregard that. ● Nerd Out On Twitter: #!/Matt_Visual ● Support Me on Patreon: ● Livestream: ● Facebook:

  • 17:12 Populaire Guild Wars 2 Thief WvW PvP (Yishis) Outnumbered 8 - The Return

    Guild Wars 2 Thief WvW PvP (Yishis) Outnumbered 8 - The Return

    par pinkman Ajoutées 807 Vues / 0 Likes

    Thief fighting outnumbered / against-the-odds in WvW. Blackgate July 2014. Play-style & tactics commentary. 0:12 - 1 v [Mesmer, Elementalist] 2:57 - 1 v [Thief, Thief] 7:41 - 1 v [Warrior, Warrior] 10:32 - 1 v [Warrior] 12:54 - 1 v [Necromancer, Elemental

  • 11:43 Populaire Echoes of the Past ► New Loot (Armor, Minis, Tonics) ► Guild Wars 2

    Echoes of the Past ► New Loot (Armor, Minis, Tonics) ► Guild Wars 2

    par pinkman Ajoutées 650 Vues / 0 Likes

    In this video, I show a preview of all of the new loot coming out of Guild Wars 2's new patch: Echoes of the Past. It includes previews of the carapace and luminescent armor sets, new minis, new tonics, and a new sinister stat combination. This video is c

  • 14:18 Populaire Guild Wars 2 - Sand Dune Caverns - The Silverwastes JP: Retrospective Runaround [fixed]

    Guild Wars 2 - Sand Dune Caverns - The Silverwastes JP: Retrospective Runaround [fixed]

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,093 Vues / 0 Likes

    After a ton of extra hazzle with youtube, here is the hopefully final and fixed version. Playing through the new silverwastes jumping puzzle with a guildie. The puzzle was introduced in the Seeds of Truth patch. The achievement is called Retrospective Run

  • 31:37 Populaire Crafting Twilight ► A Legendary Journey ► Guild Wars 2

    Crafting Twilight ► A Legendary Journey ► Guild Wars 2

    par pinkman Ajoutées 622 Vues / 0 Likes

    In this video, I got through the process of crafting my first legendary weapon in Guild Wars 2. This is not a guide. I just recorded the process I went through to make it and edited together for your enjoyment. Therefore, it's a long video and might not b
