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Résultats de votre recherche: "thoughts"

  • 13:18 Populaire Thoughts on Drakengard 3

    Thoughts on Drakengard 3

    par pinkman Ajoutées 453 Vues / 0 Likes

    I was really excited for Drakengard 3, but did it meet my expectations? Well, not to spoil the whole video, but no not necessarily. This video's a brief synopsis on why that is. And yes despite the video length, this is pretty brief. I ended up cutting ou

  • 19:51 Populaire My thoughts on the Dragon Quest VIII IOS port

    My thoughts on the Dragon Quest VIII IOS port

    par pinkman Ajoutées 519 Vues / 0 Likes

    Just my two cents on the topic. And the website I found this information:

  • 05:10 Populaire Assassins Creed Unity Trailer E3 2014: My Thoughts

    Assassins Creed Unity Trailer E3 2014: My Thoughts

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,127 Vues / 0 Likes

    Today im giving you my thoughts on the upcoming Assassins Creed game that was shown off at E3 this year! Lets Get 3 Likes :) My Vlogging Channel: Links: Thanks For Watching and please SUBSCRIBE!!!

  • 14:55 Populaire Tekken 7 - Thoughts, discussion, expectations.

    Tekken 7 - Thoughts, discussion, expectations.

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,680 Vues / 0 Likes

    Hey Everyone! Harada has just announced Tekken 7 teaser trailer. Here are my thoughts on what I would like to see, tell me what you think? Will it be better or worse? Don't like my thoughts then share yours! Let the fans know!

  • 20:29 Populaire Super Smash Bros Roster Leak Discussion - Thoughts & Ideas (3DS & Wii U)

    Super Smash Bros Roster Leak Discussion - Thoughts & Ideas (3DS & Wii U)

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,410 Vues / 0 Likes

    A supposed leak has come out purportedly revealing the Super Smash Bros for Wii U & 3DS roster including the dog from Duck Hunt, Dark Pit, Dr Mario, and more! After many requests, we decided to take a closer look. Is it real? Is it fake? And what evidence

  • 04:46 Populaire Guild Wars 2: Thoughts On The New Leveling Experience

    Guild Wars 2: Thoughts On The New Leveling Experience

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,123 Vues / 0 Likes

    A mistake here the vistas are not locked, you just cant see them on the map. Also the wardrobe is there at level one so disregard that. ● Nerd Out On Twitter: #!/Matt_Visual ● Support Me on Patreon: ● Livestream: ● Facebook:

  • 08:01 Populaire AOS Thoughts: Street Fighter V PS4 and PC Exclusive

    AOS Thoughts: Street Fighter V PS4 and PC Exclusive

    par pinkman Ajoutées 1,086 Vues / 0 Likes

    Trailer can be found here: My Social Media Links My Facebook: My Twitter: My Steam Group: My tumblr:
